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Our Resources

Our Resources
We have begun to collect and share both online and in-person sources to help trace and appreciate our Calabritto roots. 
As with our own family trees, we know this list will grow and grow. We ask you to kindly use our CONTACT link to share rich resources that should be added to this list. Goditi il viaggio!
Our 'Where To Start' page provides links to many popular genealogy sites, as well as some not so well-known ones.  For those already well into their journey of discovery, we offer the 'Italian Specific Resources' page, which includes links to sites dealing with all aspects of tracing your Italian Ancestors. 
'Calabritto Resources' contains links to a variety of sites which focus on or include detail about Calabritto, as well as links to online datasets and research.  Finally, our 'Other Resources' page includes links to groups and clubs plus an evolving recommended reading list.
But before you start searching online or head out to your local county office....
...why not invite your family together for an exchange of information, legends, traditions and stories — and good food!.
Meanwhile, please do share your sources through our CONTACT link and ... Buona Fortuna!