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Our Family Stories & Recipes

our FAMILY stories & RECIPES
STORIES!  Would you like to share a story about your family members’ occupations, emigrations or adventures? Your holiday traditions? Then, please use our CONTACT page to send it to us or to ask about length and formatting. We’re looking forward to reading about your family!
RECIPES!  This is also the place to share beloved family recipes that have the unmistakable flavors and aromas of Calabritto!  Please use our CONTACT page to send it to us, in PDF form if at all possible.  We can hardly wait to … Mangia!
our stories
  • The Lost Pages

    Enjoy a never-before-shared tale of an exciting 1878 summer day in Newark, New Jersey's emerging Little Italy. 

  • Story 2

    Send us your stories - we'd love to include them here!

  • Story 3

    Send us your stories - we'd love to include them here!

  • Story 4

    Send us your stories - we'd love to include them here!

our recipes
  • Pizza Rustica

    A family recipe shared by Rita Mattia, whose Great Aunt Laura Santoro Mattia (1898-1981), created it in 1926!

  • Chickpea, Garlic & Chilli Matasse

    Contributed by Calabritto descendant Carole Fungaroli Sargent. Authentic pasta dish from Caposele, 15 minutes from Calabritto. Many of us have Caposele relatives!

  • Braciole Dinner

    Calabritto descendant Rita Mattia's handed-down recipe for a delicious, traditional Braciole dinner

  • Marinara

    Calabritto descendant Rita Mattia's quick-and-simple marinara, made to accompany her Braciole (or many other dishes!).